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Per KRISTIANSEN, Auteur ; Robert RASMUSSEN, Auteur | Hoboken [Etats-Unis] : John Wiley & Sons | 2014Unleash innovation potential with creative, this book delivers a creative approach to enhancing innovation and improving business performance, with the focus on unleashing play. Written by the two original Master Trainers for LEGO SERIOUS PLAY ([...]Ouvrage
David LAILLIER, Auteur | Caen [France] : Éditions Management et société (EMS) | EMS coach, ISSN 2428-2960 | 2019La qualité du management des talents et des intelligences fait de plus en plus les unes des journaux et revues. Ni les managers ni les managés n'en semblent satisfaits aujourd'hui. Les entreprises consacrent des ressources énormes à « processer [...]Document électronique
Ken Robinson argues that organisations everywhere are trying to fix a problem that originates in schools and universities: "It is often said that education and training are the keys to the future. They are, but a key can be turned in two directi[...]