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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 707 (77)
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This shortform textbook explores practical applications of how business ethics impacts working lives, allowing readers to reflect on their own moral compass through the use of ethical dilemmas. Highlighting the extensive breadth of issues relate[...]Ouvrage
Sadhan MAHAPATRA, Auteur ; Muhammad SHAHBAZ, Auteur ; Alfredo VACCARO, Auteur ; Et al., Auteur | New-York : Springer | 2021This book presents best selected papers presented at the International Conference on Advances in Energy Technology (ICAET 2020) organized by Gandhi Institute for Education and Technology (GIET), Bhubaneswar, India, during 17–18 January 2020. The[...]Ouvrage
Vincent MAYMO, Auteur ; Geoffroy MURAT, Auteur | Paris [France] : Dunod | La boîte à outils, ISSN 1959-3198 | 2021Prise de poste, montée en compétences, évolution professionnelle, nos experts sont vos alliés ! Des fiches opérationnelles au quotidien Une structure graphique pour maîtriser l'essentiel en un coup d'oeil Des cas d'entreprise et[...]Ouvrage
Colin FISHER, Auteur ; Alan Lovell, Auteur ; Nestor VALERO-SILVA, Auteur | Londres [Royaume Uni] : Pearson Education Limited | 2013- How do corporate social responsibilities, and good or bad corporate practice, impact on business success in a global economy? - Are individuals responsible for the ethical outcomes of companies’ actions, or are companies themselves responsibl[...]Ouvrage
Business Ethics as Rational Choice focuses on building decision-making skills so that readers can arrive at, and defend, personal or company decisions in an objective, and convincing, manner. (source: Editeur)Ouvrage
Andrew CRANE, Auteur ; Dirk MATTEN ; Sarah GLOZER, Auteur ; Laura SPENCE, Auteur | Oxford [Royaume Uni] : Oxford University Press | 2019How can you run an ethical business in an increasingly complex, multiple-stakeholder world ? This is the most pressing question facing businesses today, whether small or large, local or global. Business Ethics is a thorough yet accessible explor[...]Ouvrage
Archie B. CAROLL, Auteur ; Jill A. BROWN, Auteur ; Ann K. BUCHHOLTZ, Auteur | Australia : Cengage Learning | 2020Introducing important and diverse stakeholder management and ethical frameworks for considering and protecting critical stakeholder interests, this book's coverage of ethics and the stakeholder model is balanced by a discussion of corporate gove[...]Ouvrage
With the rapidly growing importance of sustainability and corporate responsibility in a globalised world, management schools are increasingly integrating long-term economic, environmental and social issues into their teaching and research. Clima[...]Ouvrage
Jost HAMSCHMIDT, Directeur de publication ; Michael PIRSON, Directeur de publication | Sheffield : Greenleaf Publishing | 2007With the rapidly growing importance of sustainability and corporate responsibility in a globalised world, management schools are increasingly integrating long-term economic, environmental and social issues into their teaching and research. Clima[...]Ouvrage
A travers de nombreuses études de cas, les auteurs montrent le potentiel des approches de marchés initiées par des entrepreneurs sociaux, pour résoudre les problèmes sociaux et l'injustice sociale. Des solutions dans les secteurs de l'accès à l'[...]Document électronique
Organizations turn to multistakeholder partnerships (MSPs) to meet challenges that they cannot handle alone. By tapping the resources of diverse stakeholders, MSPs develop the capability to address complex issues and problems, such as health car[...]Ouvrage
Caroline RENOUX, Auteur ; Élisabeth LAVILLE, Préfacier, etc. | Versailles [France] : VA Editions | 2018Le secteur de la RSE (Responsabilité Sociale et Environnementale) et du Développement Durable recrute de plus en plus et attire jeunes générations et cadres expérimentés qui veulent participer à cette grande transition et donner du sens à leur m[...]Ouvrage
Christian VERMEULIN, Auteur ; Frédéric VERMEULIN, Auteur | La Plaine Saint-Denis [France] : Afnor | 2012La responsabilité sociétale de l'entreprise, communément dénommée RSE, est la contribution d'une structure au développement durable. S'inscrivant dans la stratégie de développement d'une entreprise, elle est une démarche aujourd'hui incontournab[...]Document électronique
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is simply the maximization of a company's value over time, undertaken because, in the long run, social and environmental problems ultimately become financial problems. The justification for CSR is therefore [...]Ouvrage
This new edition of Corporate Responsibility starts with a fundamental shift in perspective from the previous edition by highlighting the shift from corporate responsibility being a vital business issue, to being the vital issue facing business.[...]