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752 : Gestion de la production / Management de la supply chain |
Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 752 (38)
Document électronique
Since the 1980s, Lean and Six Sigma have been used independently to make existing processes better, faster and more cost effective. For almost twenty years, countless companies have embraced the power of blending the two process improvement meth[...]Ouvrage
Logistics and supply chains play a vital role in the overall success of retail management. This fifth edition of Logistics and Retail Management covers the major strides made in retail logistics and the challenges which remain, providing studen[...]Ouvrage
The UK's bestselling book on logistics and supply chain management - over 100,000 copies sold. Effective development and management of supply chain networks helps businesses cut costs and enhance customer value. This updated 5th edition is a cl[...]Ouvrage
Une synthèse complète et opérationnelle des éléments de la logistique. Apporte des mises à jour et des compléments sur le supply chain management, la gestion des entrepôts, les transports et la logistique de soutien. (source Electre)Ouvrage
Michael BALLE, Auteur ; Godefroy BEAUVALLET, Auteur ; Dan JONES, Préfacier, etc. | Montreuil [France] : Pearson | 2020Rapidement devenu l'ouvrage de référence dans son domaine, Le management lean est aussi le livre de management qui répond aux défis de notre temps. Au-delà des conceptions dépassées du travail, il propose une vision réellement dynamique de l'ent[...]Ouvrage
Michael BALLE, Auteur ; Godefroy BEAUVALLET, Auteur ; Dan JONES, Préfacier, etc. | Montreuil [France] : Pearson | 2016Les auteurs présentent cette méthode de management, ses concepts fondamentaux, son utilité et ses domaines d'application. (source Electre)Document électronique
For all those who wish to successfully manage business operations, Operations and Process Management 7th edition is an essential guide, providing a relevant, real-world understanding of core principles you will need to know. It approaches each t[...]Ouvrage
Have you ever wondered what your peers meant by “Supply Chain” or “Operations”, or why either of these fields matter? What about people that work in these roles – what do they actually do? In Operations and Supply Chain Management Essentials Yo[...]Document électronique
Jay H. HEIZER, Auteur ; Barry RENDER, Auteur ; Chuck Munson, Auteur | Pearson International Edition | 2023Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management presents a broad introduction to the field of operations in a realistic and practical manner, while offering the largest and most diverse collection of issues on the market. Solve[...]Ouvrage
Continuing a long tradition of excellence, Nahmias and Olsen bring decades of combined experience to craft the most clear and up-to-date resource available. The authors' thorough updates include incorporation of current technology that improves [...]Ouvrage
Cengiz HAKSEVER, Auteur ; Barry RENDER, Auteur | Londres [Royaume Uni] : Pearson Education Limited | 2013The customer-driven strategies to service operations and process management, and sharpen your focus on creating customer value throughout your entire service organization! This reference thoroughly covers today's most effective theories and meth[...]Ouvrage
Le luxe est traditionnellement montré comme immoral, égoïste, personnel. Il semble de premier abord éloigné de toute considération relative au développement durable. Ce travail a pour but de couper court à cette idée reçue et de démontrer que le[...]Document électronique
Provides a unique overview of supply chain management (SCM) concepts, illustrating how the methodology can help enhance construction industry project success This book provides a unique appraisal of supply chain management (SCM) concepts brought[...]Document électronique
It is increasingly clear that traditional supply chains which focus on sourcing products from the lowest possible cost suppliers are failing to exploit their full potential. Supply Chain Ethics, through case studies, surveys and unique research,[...]Ouvrage
Sunil CHOPRA, Auteur ; Peter MEINDL, Auteur | Londres [Royaume Uni] : Pearson Education Limited | 2016The Sixth Edition weaves in compelling case study examples, providing students with clear insight into how good supply chain management offers a competitive advantage. On the flip side, students also learn the dangers of poor supply chain manage[...]