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Library items with class number 762.1 (30)
S'inspirant de la stratégie développée par Sun Tzu dans L'art de la guerre, la conseillère en stratégie digitale propose des conseils en matière de prévention et de protection des entreprises contre les formes de guerre numérique, de réaction fa[...]Book
Comment concilier continuité de service et création de valeur avec les SI ? Comment décrypter les besoins et attentes des clients internes et externes ? Comment faire mieux, plus vite et moins cher pour les projets de SI ? Comment concevoir des [...]Book
For undergraduate and introductory graduate business courses. A balanced, holistic approach to understanding business analytics. This book provides students with the fundamental concepts and tools needed to understand the emerging role of busine[...]Book
Étudie les conséquences pour les entreprises et les individus de l'irruption massive des données dues à l'explosion du numérique : analyse les enjeux de leur appropriation et de leur réutilisation et présente les modèles économiques et les solut[...]Electronic document
Digital business transformation is a hot topic, and Publicis Sapient has been helping to digitally transform clients? businesses for 30 years. This book explains how to combine strategy, experience, engineering, data, and agile to produce strong[...]Book
Christophe FELIDJ, Author ; Miguel LIOTTIER, Author ; Virginie BILET, Author | Malakoff : Dunod | 2023Tout le DSCG 5, Management des systèmes d'information, présenté conformément au nouveau programme : respect de la progression logique du programme et du volume horaire, mise en avant des compétences et des mots-clés du programme, préparation à [...]Electronic document
This book offers some reflections for a digital agenda in the business world. It explores this in the areas of aged care and advances the discourse in this sector, improving logistics costs through ERP alignment, continuous assurance and busines[...]Book
Kenneth C. LAUDON, Author ; Jane P. LAUDON, Author | Londres [Royaume Uni] : Pearson Education Limited | 2016Essentials of MIS takes an in-depth look at how today's businesses use information technologies and systems to achieve corporate objectives. Current real-world business cases illustrate how companies have identified and ultimately solved key bus[...]Book
Isabelle WALSH, Publishing director ; Michel KALIKA, Publishing director ; Michel KALIKA, Publishing director | Caen [France] : Éditions Management et société (EMS) | 2018La communauté francophone de l'Association Information et Management (AIM) s'est mobilisée autour de ce projet pour résumer les travaux et apports de ces grands auteurs afin d'être utile tant aux managers souhaitant prendre du recul sur les inte[...]Electronic document
Daniel ALBAN, Author ; Philippe EYNAUD, Author ; Julien MALAURENT, Author ; Jean-Loup RICHET, Author | Wiley-Iste | 2019By articulating our handbook around the key concepts of actors, territories and projects we propose a renewed approach for analyzing and teaching the management information systems. The handbook shows, through a systemic paradigm, that the quest[...]Book
Kenneth C. LAUDON, Author ; Jane P. LAUDON, Author | Londres [Royaume Uni] : Pearson Education Limited | 2018This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States Laudon and Laudon continue to define the MIS course with their latest comprehensive text. Management Information Systems [...]Book
Kenneth C. LAUDON, Author ; Jane P. LAUDON, Author | Londres [Royaume Uni] : Pearson Education Limited | 2020The authoritative, case-based study of IS in business today. Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm provides the most comprehensive overview of information systems used by business firms today, while drawing connections betwee[...]Multiple version
Kenneth C. LAUDON, Author ; Jane P. LAUDON, Author | Londres [Royaume Uni] : Pearson Education Limited | 2021The Laudons are known for theiroutstanding real-world case studies, which describe how well-known companiesuse IT to solve problems and achieve business objectives. Students developsought-after skills, such as leading IS-related management discu[...]Book
Kenneth C. LAUDON, Author ; Jane P. LAUDON, Author | Londres [Royaume Uni] : Pearson Education Limited | 2016This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States Laudon and Laudon continue to define the MIS course with their latest comprehensive text. Management Information Systems [...]