Résumé :
Diversity, equity, and inclusion has been a hot topic especially in the tech industry. "Between 2017 and 2018, postings for diversity and inclusion positions had increased by nearly 20%--and that number is growing." Many companies are struggling to achieve their DEI goals and develop successful programs. Thompson addresses one of the major issues: there is no handbook that helps people develop and create an effective DEI program. Most work is currently being done on ROI, what diversity means, and how to define it, but there are not books that help you develop an actual program. Thompson provides diversity officers with a blueprint, information, and tools to implement a successful diversity program. Thompson's insights can jumpstart and hep implement a diversity program that can gain immediate traction. He walks you through the procces of execution on a weekly and even daily basis. His book shares practical, concrete steps about what data to collect and how to analyze and assess that data, choose the right diversity goal given your current resources, and how to measure the impact of your DEI efforts. (source éditeur)